Join Us Online!

Step 1 - Give us your Info

Yes, I would like to join the POTRERO HILL DEMOCRATIC CLUB for the current calendar year.
Regular Dues $25, ($35 for two members at the same address, or $45 for three members at the same address), Affiliate Member $20, Student/Low Income $15.

Payment online with PayPal or credit card.

I am a registered Democrat (or will be by the next election)

I am a resident of the Potrero Hill Area (the Club boundaries are Potrero Ave to the Bay, Cesar Chavez to King/Division)
I am not a resident of the Potrero Hill Area - or I am not eligible to vote - but wish to support the Club as an Affiliate Member.

Is this a renewal?

First Name:   * required
Last Name:   *
Email Address:   *
Address 1:   *
Address 2: 
City:   *
State:   *
Zip or Postal Code:   *
Phone:   *
Phone (eve): 
From the same address: Add a household member
I would like to help with:  political action (voter registration,
      distribute election endorsement
membership development (meeting
      programs, new member contact,
fundraising to support Club activities
      (fundraising events to be determined)
tech support/maintaining web site
other - please specify

How did you hear about us?: